Social Media Requests
Social Media Requests
A few housekeeping points to note:
Completing the form does
mean the job is approved.
Once the form is submitted, the marketing team will assess to determine whether social media presence / support is required.
Following approval by the Marketing Manager, marketing will communicate directly with the sales representative about the job, wherever possible.
You will be copied in on all communication with the venue so you know the status of the job at all times.
We will always try to incorporate stylistic requests from venues, but Young Henrys maintains
creative control
in all cases.
Please note the minimum lead times required for jobs for manager approval are content specific and are contingent upon venue location, event nature and content type.
Please note minimum turn-around times on content:
Reel (1 Week)
Stories (24 Hours)
Still Posts (24 - 48 Hours)
First Name
Last Name
Purveyor's Email Address
Title of this Job
Venue Name (if any)
Event Name (if any)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Date of The Event / Commencement of Series
Social Support
- Select -
Stories Support (Generic YH Produced Assets, for e.g BOM Announcement etc)
Content Curation (creative assets for social media)
If Other Social Support Picked
What impact is the venue / partner expecting ?
Any media or documents you would like to upload?
Choose File
Is the venue under a partnership or on marketing rebate?
Venue's social media account handle
Please note: We go through these submissions weekly on Monday mornings only
Submit Request